Digital Marketing Tips for Highly-regulated Industries



Running an affiliate site in a heavily scrutinised sector can be a challenge in its own right. With so many rules governing how companies must be operated, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to navigate through a minefield of potential pitfalls.

On top of this, webmasters still have to promote offers and get their message out to their target audience to earn a commission.

So how can you manage it without falling foul of stringent regulations? Here are a few top tips for affiliate marketing success:

Take ownership

Try to get as much information about compliance as possible so that you’re able to police your own work. Depending on the size of your business, you may need to gain approval from your compliance team to ensure everything is accurate. But you could quicken up the sign-off process if you are aware of regulations yourself.

Another good idea is to make a list of “dos and don’ts” and set clear parameters about what you’re allowed to say. Think of alternatives to prohibited phrases so that you’re still getting your point across. Remember that it’s better to be safe than sorry – so if you’re ever unsure about something, just don’t use it.

Finally, be sure to top up your knowledge regularly. Highly-regulated industries usually move extremely quickly, so make sure you’re completely up to date with the latest developments so you don’t unwittingly break the rules.

Don’t drip-feed

If you do need to clear internal compliance, send your submissions in bulk where possible. Of course, there may be some circumstances where tight deadlines mean you cannot do this, but they should be in the minority.

Another suggestion is to create an editorial calendar that spells out when content is expected to be published so that the sign-off process can be completed in plenty of time. Of course, the gaming operators you promote should be available to assist with any compliance questions.

Remember, if you alter the wording of an offer, you assume the liability if the Gaming Commission pulls you up on potential violations. Don’t put yourself at risk by straying from the guidelines.

Localise, not generalise

If your site operates internationally, it is essential that you are familiar with the regulations that exist in each jurisdiction. You should also be aware of any cultural differences that exist, lest you unintentionally cause offence. 

Personalise your communications so they fit your target audience. Include information that shows you are aware of local rules and customs, as this will add an extra layer of trust for your site.

Leave it to the experts

If you want to start affiliate marketing in a highly regulated industry like online gaming, you may decide to entrust the responsibility to a specialist. ActiveWins has amassed years of experience operating in the online gaming environment.

We provide a bespoke and tailor-made service that encompasses all aspects of affiliate gaming marketing, providing competitive offers, creative and content that meets regulatory compliance.

To find out more about the brands you can promote through ActiveWins, email us at [email protected] and one of our friendly affiliate account managers will be in touch.
